Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Death of a Salesman - Act One -


The protagonist in this story is Willy. He has two songs Happy and Biff, also a wife named Linda. Happy and Biff are your typical boys. They idolized their father when they were younger but now they are barely ever around, especially Biff. Linda is the over concerned mother and wife. She is worried about Willy, but can't really say anything because she is the woman and isn't suppose to. Willy is slowly losing his mind it seems and it is evident when he is talking to himself. The exposition shows some of Willy's problems, such as not being able to focus enough to drive. Also, Willy was believing the issues with his focusing was because of work. Him and Linda were arguing back and forth about whether he should to be moved to New York so that he wouldn't have to drive as far. The rising is when the boys are in their room talking about their father, the climax is when Biff and Happy come outside and their mother is outside watching their father wonder around and talk to himself. This is also when the mother confides in them and tells them that their father has tried to kill himself multiple times. The falling action in this act is when Biff finally decides that he's going to live back at home and try to help his family. The resolution is when Willy finally decided to ask his employer if he could work in New York. He also was finally getting along with Biff because Biff was finally going to live back at home and help the family.

My Response-

I like this story because I really feel for Willy. He is sixty-three and still trying to earn his money. I hate how he's sons were so proud of him when they were younger but now that they don't need his income they don't care. I believe Linda said it best when she made the comment, "You never asked, my dear! Now that you get your spending money someplace else you don't trouble your mind with him" (40). It made me think about my family and if I've ever done that to my parents. My guess is that everyone one has done that at some point in their lives. I can't wait to read Act Two and find out if Biff gets the money or not. Also to find out if Willy's boss will let him switch.


  1. The "real" climax does not really occur until Act II!

  2. Oh, okay. I thought we were suppose to find them in Act One.
